School Improvement
How does the school decide priorities for development?
Our school’s performance is assessed under 6 headings:
- Catholic Life, Mission, Religious Education, Collective Worship
- Leadership and Management
- Behaviour and attitudes
- Quality of Education
- Personal development
- Early Years Foundation Stage
We constantly evaluate how well we are doing in these areas and collect evidence from all stakeholders. We gather information through our monitoring and evaluation, questionnaires and review our SIP at various points throughout the year. The governors are responsible for agreeing the priorities and ensuring that each plan is implemented.
What are our priorities?
Priority 1 - Catholic Life & Mission, Religious Education, Collective Worship: To further develop and enhance the Guardian Angels Catholic Curriculum with a focus on improving outcomes for all.
Priority 2 - Leadership and Management: To nurture succession planning and leadership training at all levels whist reducing workload for all.
Priority 3 - Quality of Education: To continually refine and improve the quality of education so that more pupils meet their aspirational targets and their God-given potential.
Priority 4 - Personal Development: To develop the pupils as citizens : responsible, respectful, physically and emotionally healthy.
Priority 5 - Behaviour and Attitudes: To further develop the behaviour curriculum and to continue to remove barriers to learning.
Priority 6 - Early Years: To improve the % of pupils that meet GLD