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Pray, Work, Celebrate and Care.

Attentive and Discerning

Grateful and Generous

Compassionate and Loving

Faith-filled and Hopeful

Eloquent and Truthful

Learned and Wise

Curious and Active

Begin Your Journey


A very warm welcome to Guardian Angels Catholic Primary School. As a Catholic school, Christ is firmly at the centre of all that we do and we pride ourselves on the positive ethos we create which is embedded through our mission statement:

Guided by the teachings of the Church we pray, work, celebrate, and care for each other and other people using the gifts we have been given by God the Father, Son and Spirit.

Why Choose Us?

What Ofsted Say

The school is a haven of calm at the heart of its local community. Leaders have created a friendly and welcoming place for pupils to live out the school’s ethos. Pupils feel safe and are highly positive about their experiences. They enjoy working with their teachers, learning new things and they achieve well. Pupils actively care for each other and work together well in lessons. They contribute greatly to making the school a unique place to learn.

What Ofsted Say

High ambition for all, particularly pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), is a golden thread through the curriculum. The school has high expectations of pupils’ behaviour. Pupils know what is expected of them. They are given opportunities to learn this and how to have positive relationships with others. Pupils are mature and courteous, including when moving around the school and at breaktime.

What Parents Say - Spring 2024

•The overwhelming majority (98%) of parents say that their children are happy and safe at school. •94% of parents think that pupils are well-behaved at Guardian Angels. •97% of parents say that the school ensures that they are aware of what their children are learning in school. •All parents feel that their child does well at this school. •All parents feel that we teach a good range of subjects at Guardian Angels..

What Pupils Say - Spring 2024

· 94% of pupils feel happy at school · 97% of children say that the staff listen to them · 94% of pupils feel safe at school

Our Lady and All Saints

We are proud to be a member of
Our Lady and All Saints
Catholic Multi Academy Company