Guardian Angels Catholic Primary School

Guided by the teachings of the Church we pray, work, celebrate, and care for each other and other people using the gifts we have been given by the God the Father, Son and Spirit.

Rights Respecting Schools


At Guardian Angels, we promote fundamental British values through our ethos, the curriculum, spiritual, moral, social and cultural development, and through our work as a UNICEF Rights Respecting School. We reinforce and promote British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs as demonstrated below:


 UNCRC   Article 12 Every child has the right to be heard

                Article 2  Every child has the right to be treated equally and with respect

The children decide upon their class charter and the rights associated with these. The role of the adults, or ‘duty bearers’, is also made clear on the charter.  A group of pupils are nominated as UNICEF Ambassadors to discuss rights and fundraising, and to present ideas at assemblies on whole school issues. 

Children have many opportunities for their voices to be heard. We have a school council which meets regularly to discuss issues raised by pupils. Two council members for each year group are voted by each class. 

Children have an annual questionnaire to put forward their views about the school. This  year children were involved in making decisions about the school meals and Guided Reading. They are often encouraged to choose different pathways in lessons, giving them additional choice and autonomy.

The Rule of Law

UNCRC   Article 19 Every child has the right to be protected from harm

               Article 1 Every child has the right to be treated equally and with respect

               Article 29 Every child has the right to an education

The importance of laws is consistently reinforced throughout the school day. Pupils are taught the value and reasons behind laws, that they govern and protect us, the responsibilities that this involves and the consequences when laws are broken. The home/ school agreement sets out the contract between the school, the child and their parents. The class charter sets out expected behaviour and associated rights in each class. Circle time and RE lessons are used as an opportunity to discuss difficult situations that benefit from whole class discussion. Keeping safe when using the internet is regularly discussed with children in computing lessons and in assemblies. All members of the school community sign our Acceptable Use Policy and pledge to use the internet safely. 

The school has very good links with authorities such as the Police who visit every year and help to reinforce the Rule of Law and how to keep safe.


Individual Liberty

UNCRC   Article 19 Every child has the right to be protected from harm

               Article 12 Every child has the right to be heard

               Article 2  Every child has the right to be treated equally and with respect

Within school, pupils are actively encouraged to make choices, knowing that they are in a safe and supportive environment. As a school we educate and provide boundaries for pupils to make choices, through provision of a safe environment and an empowering education.  Pupils are encouraged to know, understand and exercise their rights and personal freedoms and are advised how to exercise these safely; for example in computing through our E-Safety policy.

Guardian Angels pupils are given the freedom to make many choices, be this in class, through their choice of learning strategies, in a wide range of extra-curricular activities and through fundraising or sporting opportunities.


Mutual Respect

UNCRC   Article 2  Every child has the right to be treated equally and with respect

               Article 29 Every child has the right to an education

As a UNICEF Rights Respecting School, mutual respect is at the heart of our ethos and values. Children learn that their behaviour has an effect on their own rights and those of others. There are many opportunities to develop SMSC across the curriculum for example through R.E., PSHE, PE, art, music, history, geography, science and English. Children are encouraged to work in collaboration as much as possible either in their class and with other year groups as mediators.

All members of the school community treat each other with respect. 


Tolerance of those of Different Faiths and Beliefs

UNCRC   Article 2  Every child has the right to be treated equally and with respect

               Article 14 Every child has the right to practice their own religion

               Article 30 Every child has the right to practice their own culture

Within our school we constantly promote tolerance of our communities, languages, faiths and beliefs by:

Our Religious Education syllabus, Personal, Social, Health and Emotional curriculum and Rights Respecting School initiative reinforce our commitment towards a tolerant society. 


The Rights Respecting Schools Award is a Unicef UK programme that aims to put children’s rights at the heart of schools in the UK.